// this file contains implementation details and is not intended to be used directly
import {
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
} from './CryptoTypes.js';
import tweetnacl from './impl/external/tweetnacl-nacl-fast-symbol.js';
import { hkdf } from '@noble/hashes/hkdf';
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
// order matches order of exported methods
const tweetnacl_lowlevel = (/** @type {any} */ (tweetnacl)).lowlevel;
const {
gf, neq25519, pack, unpackneg
} = tweetnacl_lowlevel;
// publicKey is canonical if the y coordinate is smaller than 2^255 - 19
// note: this version is based on server version and should be constant-time
// note 2: don't touch it, you'll break it
const isCanonicalKey = publicKey => {
const buffer = publicKey.bytes;
let a = (buffer[31] & 0x7F) ^ 0x7F;
for (let i = 30; 0 < i; --i)
a |= buffer[i] ^ 0xFF;
a = (a - 1) >>> 8;
const b = (0xED - 1 - buffer[0]) >>> 8;
return 0 !== 1 - (a & b & 1);
const isInMainSubgroup = point => {
const { scalarmult, L } = tweetnacl_lowlevel;
const result = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()];
// multiply by group order
scalarmult(result, point, L);
// check if result is neutral element
const gf0 = gf();
const areEqual = neq25519(result[1], result[2]);
const isZero = neq25519(gf0, result[0]);
// yes, this is supposed to be bit OR
return 0 === (areEqual | isZero);
* Creates a shared secret factory given a hash function.
* @param {object} hasher Hash object to use.
* @returns {function(Uint8Array, PublicKey): Uint8Array} Creates a shared secret from a raw private key and public key.
const deriveSharedSecretFactory = hasher => (privateKeyBytes, otherPublicKey) => {
const { scalarmult, Z } = tweetnacl_lowlevel;
const point = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()];
if (!isCanonicalKey(otherPublicKey) || 0 !== unpackneg(point, otherPublicKey.bytes) || !isInMainSubgroup(point))
throw Error('invalid point');
// negate point == negate X coordinate and 't'
Z(point[0], gf(), point[0]);
Z(point[3], gf(), point[3]);
const scalar = new Uint8Array(64);
tweetnacl.lowlevel.crypto_hash(scalar, privateKeyBytes, 32, hasher);
scalar[0] &= 248;
scalar[31] &= 127;
scalar[31] |= 64;
const result = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()];
scalarmult(result, point, scalar);
const sharedSecret = new Uint8Array(32);
pack(sharedSecret, result);
return sharedSecret;
* Creates a shared key factory given a tag and a hash function.
* @param {string} info Tag used in HKDF algorithm.
* @param {object} hasher Hash object to use.
* @returns {function(Uint8Array, PublicKey): SharedKey256} Creates a shared key from a raw private key and public key.
const deriveSharedKeyFactory = (info, hasher) => {
const deriveSharedSecret = deriveSharedSecretFactory(hasher);
return (privateKeyBytes, otherPublicKey) => {
const sharedSecret = deriveSharedSecret(privateKeyBytes, otherPublicKey);
return new SharedKey256(hkdf(sha256, sharedSecret, undefined, info, 32));
export {